Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 14 - Marilyn Moves Across America

Day – 14, Sunday July 1st, 2007 Blackfoot ID to Idaho Falls ID

Euphoria Meter (1-10): 3

How energizing and fun was this day on a 1 to 10 scale?

Short ride, not a lot to see. Recovery day getting ready for a really big day of climbing over the Rockies tomorrow.

Ride Stats:

Distance: 37.22 miles

Riding Time: 2:53 hours

Max Speed: 24.6 mph

Average Speed: 12.9 mph


Severe clear and very, very pleasant temperatures. We are going to pay for this I am sure before the ride is over. No wind to speak of.

Incidents and Rider Report

The tri-motor was in full swing today. Everyone still on the ride did the ride.

How I Feel (1-10) : 9

My seat still bothers me more than I’m used to. Everything else is in great shape.

Stuff happens:

Not much happened today. It was really a pretty boring one from a ride and scenery perspective. I took a few photos of some things that interested me. The falls in Idaho Falls turn out to be man made to produce hydro electric power. Apparently half the town of 50,000 is powered by the falls in the Snake River. A very powerful river.

A few brave souls swim in the river. I took a dip in the pool. We had to kill a lot of time waiting for our bags and our rooms.

Today I rode for a little while with Marilyn, the 65 year old school teacher who did no training for the ride. I vied with her to be the very last person out. She rides upright on a mountain type bike. She’s on her third saddle and just acquired toe-clips. They pick her up regularly and take her up the hills. But, she is biking daily and doing most of the ride.

I also rode with the Mendlesons again, Max and Mark, father and son team from the Pittsburgh area of Pennsylvania.


Russ Morgan said...

The last person out. Some things never change. By the way, in case you haven't guessed, the first thing I do every morning is check your and Rich's blog for the preious day. It sounds like a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Miller Family.