A little biking, A tour of Ludington Maritime Museum, a wedding and a big boat ride. A relaxing, busy, fun day. We did ride, but barely.

Euphoria Meter (1-10): 7
This was a fun, “feel-good” day that was really a break from our forced march across America.
Ride Stats:
Distance: 10 miles
Riding Time: ?
Max Speed: ?
Average Speed: ?
Total Miles traveled: 2,581
Miles to go: 1,048
Severe clear, pleasant perfect temperatures.

Incidents and Rider Report:
I only learned of one incident from Ernst, the Governator of Idaho. On the deck of the Badger he shared with me an injury he sustained while doing battle in one of our food lines. Look closely at the photo below, it is not easy on this trip!
Above our bikes are stowed for the 4 hour journey across lake Michigan.
How I Feel (1-10): 10
Stuff that happened:
I am not quite sure what happened, but the night before I fell asleep at the computer around 8pm, leaving a row of kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk’s on the screen. After repeating that a few times I decided to hit the hay early. I proceeded to sleep for a most of the night. I did not hear Rich get up at 6:30 am to go to breakfast. He wakes me up when he comes back at 8:00.
We pack up, load the box and Rich takes me over to have a nice breakfast at Starbucks! It was relaxing, we got to eat outdoors and enjoy the beautiful day.
Afterwards we toured the town a little and got to spend a few hours in the Manitowoc Maritime Museum which was surprisingly interesting. They have a WWII submarine on display, floating in the river adjacent to the museum. They happened to have a sailor to talk with us who actually loaded and fired torpedoes on that very submarine.
After the tour we pick up a sandwich to go from a local restaurant and hop on board the “Badger”. The largest car ferry maybe in the world or at least the great lakes. It was big. It was built in 1953, had state rooms, a cruise director, restaurant, etc. etc.. The ride took four hours but it went fast. I spent most of the time on the upper deck outdoors enjoying the stories and company of fellow riders, Gerard, Lenny, John Knapp, Joel Paine, Ernst, Russell and others who came and went.
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