Gerard takes the ride to another level.

Fond du Lac lighthouse
Euphoria Meter (1-10): 10
The weather and the riding today were fantastic. Gerard pulled an amazing 21 mph average for 33 miles.
Ride Stats:
Distance: 84 miles
Riding Time: ? 5 hrs
Max Speed: ?
Average Speed: 18.5 mph per Gerard’s computer
Total Miles traveled: 2,517
Miles to go: 1,112
52 degree start, a little chilly, but very nice for cycling if you are dressed properly. 10 mph headwinds. Crystal clear visibility and skies of blue.
Incidents and Rider Report
I lost my computer magnet and don’t have complete stats for today. Lenny from Leipsig Oh needs a new wheel. No other issues that I am aware of.
How I Feel (1-10): 10
Stuff that happened:
Gerard rode like the wind today. After the second sag he and I caught up with Steve Bennett who joined us. The three of us worked hard together and ended up making it in to the hotel first today. We showered, went to a nice bike shop, had lunch at a Mexican restaurant that was very slow serving us.

Fond du Lac had a sidewalk sale going on in their downtown where we stayed. It made the area a bit more festive for our arrival. The streets were all closed to traffic. I then took a walking tour of the Northern end of Main Street. This led to a very beautiful lakeside park on a fantastic day. I had fun talking to people at home on the cell and taking some pictures of the area. See my slide show for more if you’d like.

Thanks again for all the nice comments. It is fun to know that my family and friends are peeking at this and staying in touch. I appreciate it. Even though the blog allows anonymous comments, thanks for letting me know who is who.
Tee Shirt swap event after
click above for slide show
Ralphie, I loved your slide show. How do you have the energy to ride, take pictures, and then put together such an interesting slide show. Wow.
Great job so far! Maureen just told me about your daily blog. The pictures are great. Best of luck the rest of the way, I'll keep checking in.
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